When you Audit an Outlier course, it simply means you're taking the course without the expectation of earning credits or impacting your college transcript. You will not receive a grade, a transcript, nor credits, and will not be participating in exams.
Audit Path is ideal for:
-High school students who are looking to add sparkle to their college applications, or learn more about a subject, but wish to avoid the burden of impacting their permanent records.
-Lifelong learners who want to take a serious course but aren't interested in receiving grades or college credits.
Audit Path includes:
-Lifetime access. Your course will never expire.
-Access to all course materials (except midterms and final exams).
-Access to our Student Success team to ensure you're still reaching your learning goals.
Audit Path makes you exempt from the following:
-Quizzes (though Auditing students can still participate)
-Midterm finals/grade
-Final exams/grade
If Auditing sounds right for you, after registering for your course, simply email us at success@outlier.org and let us know you'd like to go the Audit path. Note: You must contact us with this request before the drop deadline for your course.